showHeader(); # Generate csrf token # noother says it's too easy #srand(time()+rand(0, 100)); # noother says it's too easy #$csrf = ttr2_random(32); # noother says it's too easy $ttr = new TTR2_Form(); $form = $ttr->getForm($chall); if (isset($_POST['reset'])) { echo ttr2_request($chall, $form); } echo GWF_Website::getDefaultOutput(); echo $form->templateY($chall->lang('ft_reset'), GWF_WEB_ROOT.'challenge/time_to_reset2/reset.php'); # Print Challenge Footer echo $chall->copyrightFooter(); # Print end of website require_once('challenge/html_foot.php'); ################# ### FUNCTIONS ### ################# function ttr2_random($len, $alpha='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') { $alphalen = strlen($alpha) - 1; $key = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $key .= $alpha[rand(0, $alphalen)]; } return $key; } function ttr2_request(WC_Challenge $chall, GWF_Form $form) { if (false !== ($errors = $form->validate($chall))) { return $errors; } # Generate reset token $sid = GWF_Session::getSessSID(); $email = $form->getVar('email'); $token = ttr2_random(16); if (!TTR2_Tokens::insertToken($sid, $email, $token)) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } # If it's your own real mail, even send it for the lulz :) if ($email === GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest()->getValidMail()) { ttr2_mail_me($chall, $email, $token); } return GWF_HTML::message($chall->lang('title'), $chall->lang('msg_mail_sent')); } function ttr2_mail_me(WC_Challenge $chall, $email, $token) { $mail = new GWF_Mail(); $mail->setSender(GWF_BOT_EMAIL); $mail->setReceiver($email); $mail->setSubject($chall->lang('mail_subj')); $mail->setBody($chall->lang('mail_body', array($token))); $mail->sendAsHTML(''); # cc me for testing purposes } ?>