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Happy 10th Anniversary

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Happy 10th Anniversary
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0) Intro
I am very happy to announce.
WeChall turns 10 years old.

Actually, February the 12th was, when wechall went live, according to
But we failed.

@rhican read the source, yes – we were open source since day0, and he found a way to hack us.
He registered as @Inferno and got admin, because of the nickname, and deleted all 10 users.

A few days later, on February the 18th 2008, wechall went live; again.

There was only one other breach after that one.
It happened when i exposed the wechall dev site to a friend. He got access to gwf3/protected folder, downloaded the whole db and promised to delete the backup.

Around 2010; Kender did a nice birthday post with statistics. I will do the same here.
But, before we come to the statistics, i wanna recall some other events.

There surely was the event when 10 sites had joined wechall and we became kinda network.
It all happened so fast Smile

I also remember when a famous scene magazine asked for advertised news on wechall; I refused the request.

I also remember when i asked project euler to join wechall.
My mistake was to ask in the public forums, and so euler did never consider to join? Sad
Anyway.... [SPOJ], a similiar site joined a few months afterwards.

One funny story to recall is when korean sites started to join... And it felt great to be accepted as a website in the asian market.
I was excited, and pondered about the countryflags.... The democratic Republic of Korea had not the white and red country flag i think it should have.
I swapped the flags of North- and South Korea, thinking democratic was the south...
It took exactly 10 minutes until i got a mail because of my error.
Quickly i changed back the flags, and learned that the south is not labeled democratic, but the north is! Smile

Another topic i remember is psychosis.
Myself got crazy the first time in 2002, long before we did wechall.
It took years to recover from only sitting in the kitchen, drinking beer, and solving sudokus.
Around 2015, i got another psychosis, and got into hospital.
Around the same time, the wechall server was closed down because of "baim is a virus".
We had like 2 weeks downtime, until i purchased a phonecard with internet.
Armed with a crappy S3Mini Android and juicyssh, i was able to reactivate everything, while still in hospital.
Another guy who got psychosis was @vbms.... he had proof the BND is watching him and manipulating him with brainwaves.
I think psychosis can easily happen to a challenger Smile
Not funny? ;)

A big change also was when dloser became the de-facto sys-admin for wechall around 2016.
He has root on all wechall boxes since then and really kept wechall and our challenges alive.
Performance should be alright on all machines, and i hope there was no legit IP ban since then.
A big big thanks to you, @dloser!

Before i forget... i also started a donation campaign a few months ago, which turned out successful.
Thanks to all who support us!


Now lets come to the stats....
which are postponed to Feb,18th 2018.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Feb 12, 2018 - 19:29:51
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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Well said, gizmore. Thanks for all the effort and money you put into WeChall! I hope you're celebrating today IRL. Smile
And a big thanks to dloser for all your work!

What else to say than...
Happy Birthday, WeChall!
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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Q) Who were the most active solvers.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Feb 12, 2018 - 22:02:37
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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@tehron ... Of course we party here!

Do you remember the bor marley era?
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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I am still working on a bit statistics and will release some more, until 18th Feb.

The next statistic is the following question:

Q) How many active users do you have?

A) /tpl/wc4/stats2018/users_per_month.php

It seems like there is around 10-20 "Veteran users" each month, slightly increasing.
The last 3 months could be ignored, but we can estimate there are around 1000 active real power users. not bad.
As you know, registration is not required, so the number of real users should be a bit higher.

If you want, you can propose more statistic questions

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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It's been 10 years?? Thank you Gizmore for all the hard work in this site! And dloser for stepping up and being an admin! Happy birthday WeChall!
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The elderly castle is for the elderly Smile
Next door left, just one cookie each person.

If i had one wish it would be passsword-reset on blacksheep -.-
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Also, posting unrelated information is tolerated here Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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The last interesting stats i was working on is the following :^

Q) Best newcomer site

A) /tpl/wc4/stats2018/best_newcomer_sites.php

An intersting site here is root-me.
It is kinda wechall for CTF / exploit boxes / warboxes, has the biggest challenge IRC i have seen lately and is just impressive.
If you have not seen it yet, take a look Smile
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Ranking with only active sites could be interesting Drool
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