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I'm curious what is the motivation to setup second challenge site since site admin already owns Solve Me?
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Ponzi scheme.
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Hey whaaaaaat?!?
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There is not important resason and I just like a brand new.
I will try to make high-quality problems.

p.s It's not Ponzi scheme(?)
Last edited by St4rburst - Jul 24, 2018 - 21:30:47
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Pretty sure the "Ponzi" thing was a joke. That or I missed the sales pitch where you told us you were going to make us rich if we just invite a few friends etc... If so, let me know so I can try and get some friends. ;) In any case, hope you didn't take it down because of this.

Don't really see an issue with multiple sites per person (within reason), but I guess you can wonder why you can't combine the two sites.
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"Ponzi Scheme" surely was a joke; i had to smile a bit.
There is nothing wrong with owning multiple sites... i also thought about creating a new math challenge site for beginners.

You didn't take the site down because of this thread, right? Smile
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well, just simple. I just like a brand new. that's all (grin)
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it was temporary down because any problem. but I will resume again
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It's definetly not a problem for me I was just curious if there was some bigger meaning on creating another site, sponsor or something. Didn't mean to offend Smile

For the concept of current challenges, I really enjoyed them, very interesting and novel ideas, but I'm little concerned how well they work in future if you have to download older version of browser to check your payload.
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RE: Comments on CanHackMe
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Quote from Gizmore
Jul 24, 2018 - 20:54:08
i also thought about creating a new math challenge site for beginners.

for me? Smile
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