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Project Euler

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Project Euler
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Months ago i contacted Project Euler about joining our small network.
I got response and they are discussing it in their team... for a couple of months now.

Maybe we can encourage them to vote for a "yes", when some of you post here.
Just reply to this thread with something like: "i want project euler listed here, math and programming are superior skills and deserve to get scored !"

The more reply here the better.

Happy Challenging
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Let me be the first to say it would be great to get Project Euler part of WeChall. Its a great site and maybe more people will sign up and try the many difficult challenges there. One of the best sites around to improve your programming.
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Project Euler
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Project Euler... Join the club!
If it joins WeChall, i'll join Project Euler.
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Project Euler
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Yes, i totally agree with Chaosdreamer and Bjorn1989 (and all others to come) - please join WeChall!!
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Project Euler
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It would be interesting than Project Euler join wechall.
Mathematics and programming are very important...
So Join Wechall Happy
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Well, I registered myself with Project Euler some time ago; its really one of the most interesting challenge sites out there ( if one could call it like that ;P). Most of the other challengesites only have few programmingchalls.. and I like them most.. so please come an join us at WeChall !
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Would be great if Project Euler joins WeChall!
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+2 Happy
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