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Hm, only 10 very easy challenges.

Solved in under an hour.
And I don't even speak a word of Spanish. Smile
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Well... where are chalenges? Happy
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Quote from vieshieck

Well... where are chalenges? Happy

That's the biggest challenge. Drool

Congrats Kender! I'm having some problems with two of the crypto ones, but overall they are indeed pretty easy. Smile
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I'm sorry to bother you but I'm a complete begginer in this subjects, I just started in the wargames 2 days ago and I don't know how to get java password #3, I'd be glad if somebody could tell me where can I learn how to get this password. Thanks.
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Nice and easy 10 challenges.Tooked me 33 minutes and 14 seconds to pass them all.
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I cannot link myself to Hispabyte. Gizmore, is this a bug or a feature? Smile
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It took me 2-3 hours yesterday to pass 11 from 13 levels.Today i got last JavaScript level so i did 12/13 .Last level,RetoFacil is a pain in the ass,but is funny.
+Add more levels.
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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I don't know if it's a hispabyte's script problem or a WC4 effect, but I never reached 100%, despite what the news say. Smile
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from lordOric
Aug 29, 2010 - 19:06:34

I don't know if it's a hispabyte's script problem or a WC4 effect, but I never reached 100%, despite what the news say. Smile

It seems like a Hispabyte problem.
The site reports you solved 15 of 13 challs.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from Gizmore
Aug 30, 2010 - 21:33:20
The site reports you solved 15 of 13 challs.

So there is an additional WeChall bug : I have reached 115% of hispabyte ! Drool
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