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Hi all,

We have implemented some changes to the scoring mechanism.
First of all, now the challengecount is incorporated into a sites score. So sites with a lot of challenges will score higher. This is so that the difference in points per solved challenge doesn't differ so much between sites anymore.

The second change is in the users scores.
Scoring high on a single site now scores a lot more than scoring low on a lot of sites.
So to boost your score you can work on some of those harder challenges on your favourite sites in stead of doing a few simple challenges on a new site.

See also
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Just 1 tiny little thing: Is the "double the points for the site where you have reached the most points" still necessary? I don't think so Smile
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Yay the new scoring is up ! Smile

The new scores are surely a gain to wechall.
Although i lost around 15 ranks i am quite happy with the new scoring.

We still can adjust basescore easily.
English sites still have a basescore of 10,000.
Non-English sites have a basescore of 6,000 now.
There are two exceptions for Hispabyte(1,500) and ThisIsLegal(3,000).

I hope you like this major change on wechall. Smile

Happy Challenging
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Quote from Z

Just 1 tiny little thing: Is the "double the points for the site where you have reached the most points" still necessary? I don't think so Smile

Yes, double your best site is still there.

Edit: and i think its still cool... we will wait a few days until change anything further.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jan 27, 2009 - 21:53:52
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Gizmore said "There are two exceptions for Hispabyte(1,500) and ThisIsLegal(3,000)".
But for instance if I look at THM's scoring, I see he got 10.266 points for ThisIsLegal.
Last edited by CommComm - Jan 27, 2009 - 23:05:34
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thisislegal got raised again. We were unsure about the score for this site.
I will add the basescore as field in the sites.php soon.

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I have lost 7 places but I really think that the new scoring system is better. Well done.
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I went from rank 88 to 152. I can't see how 8 challenges on Infomirmo is only worth 1 point, but I'm not complaining. Smile
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Yeah, the new formula provides very little points for the first couple of challenges on a site. You have to get deeper into them to gather some real points Smile

A table showing how this affects your score:
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
% on site       % of score
 10       1
 20       4
 30       9
 40      16
 50      25
 60      36
 70      49
 80      64
 90      81
100     100
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Hehe me has bout 81% on Happy-Security, thus climbing from place 116 to 89 Happy

Anyway I like this enw ranking; now you see whos really good and not those which just registered with many sites ;)
Last edited by livinskull - Jan 28, 2009 - 10:56:04
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