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AI: Text to image

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AI: Text to image
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AI is on it's rise.
There is site, where you can turn text into images.
I challenge you to try this with your nickname as text input.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Nov 17, 2023 - 20:38:17
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RE: AI: Text to image
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It would be nice if you didn't have to make an account to demo.

But I do already have an openai account with their API.
Using the Dall-E API I get this

Code to make img:
GeSHi`ed Python code for
from openai import OpenAI
import sys
client = OpenAI()
 def makeimg(prompt: str) -> str:
    response = client.images.generate(
      size="1024x1024",      quality="standard",
    image_url =[0].url    return image_url
if __name__ == "__main__":
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RE: AI: Text to image
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RE: AI: Text to image
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Thank you gizmore, this site is absolute hammer!
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RE: AI: Text to image
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And next, please show what image it gives for your wechall password!
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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RE: AI: Text to image
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Quote from space
Nov 20, 2023 - 20:26:54

And next, please show what image it gives for your wechall password!

hmm... why? is there a reverse function from image created by that site that reveals the used text ?
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RE: AI: Text to image
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Quote from occasus
Nov 21, 2023 - 15:50:39

Quote from space
Nov 20, 2023 - 20:26:54

And next, please show what image it gives for your wechall password!

hmm... why? is there a reverse function from image created by that site that reveals the used text ?

For more entropy! Unless your password is "password"
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RE: AI: Text to image
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I'm either a two faces guy, or a guy with only one leg but two feet.
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RE: AI: Text to image
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The pics are hilarious Happy
The AI doesn't like my name and takes ages to process the prompt :<
Maybe some of you could generate some fun ones? :>
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RE: AI: Text to image
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W/ this prompt: Post-apocalypse destroyed city with surviving beautiful, sensual, hot and tattooed lady. and default settings I got this, which I really love:
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