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How is it possible that some users have more than 100% solved on some sites? For details look e.g. to grimskies profile.
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Because they solved all challenges and also wrote some articles,found some vulnerabilities.So that's why they got extra points.
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That should indeed not be possible.

I checked and for some reason Gizmore dropped the check for invalid scores.

I'll make a change for it.
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That is true, I have some extra points for submitting challenges on I had 108%, 'cause apparently the script from that site is not returning the maximum score (i.e. mine score) but the score that is the sum of points for all challenges. Compare the points of users on places 1. and 2. and the percentage difference. Obviously it's not 0.09%.
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Yeah, i removed the check and allowed more than 100%.

It is quite rare to have such scores,
but due to expotential scoring it might be unfair.

Contribution/Extra Points is still a way to reach 100% more easily on the affected sites.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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I think we should unify the maxscore value returned by the sites' scripts and decide whether to allow percent solved above 100% or not. The options are:
- maxscore is the sum of points for all challenges, more than 100% is allowed
- maxscore is the number of points gathered by the best user, 100% is the limit (this variant is used currently od TDHack)
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That think still working?
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I am not quite sure if we clamp to 100% max already.
I put it on the todo as "to be checked"
Thank you for alert Smile

BTW: Did you all notice the new statistics at the bottom of each page ?

Quite nice stats for certain functions Happy

Quote from UserTable::updateAllUserScores()

- Executed 4223 queries in 0.436 seconds. - Spent 0.940 seconds in PHP. - Page created in 1.376 seconds.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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