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Germany will censor the web

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Germany will censor the web
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As you might have noticed, germany plans to censor the web.

If you do not know about that, yet, you can visit this page: (it's german)

Please, do participate in the e-petition. every vote counts.
Also talk with your family and friends about it.

Any help against that is greatly appreciated.


Edit: you might also want to check out

Edit2: this is also a nice read, in case you want to vote some politicians soon:

Edit3: You need a totalscore of 0xcdu5pd to read this secret message, also you need a proxy from australia and https.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jun 05, 2009 - 01:11:42
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Germany will censor the web
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Voted , danke for this info.
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