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I might dig out some chat logs later.

I seem to recall you telling me that you had been warned on MiB because your solved times were so close to mine, after you were messaging me asking for solutions to the early challenges. Foolishly perhaps I gave hints, that lead you to solutions too quickly I guess. Lost-Chall the same. These days I would rather just not.

To suggest that you do this all unaided when confronted I find frankly insulting. Not only are you asking for help and using people to further your ranking, you then try and give the impression that you did it without any assistance.
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Hertz is just a little kid.
He still has a lot to learn.
And now he learned that asking too many hints annoys people.

That's all folks. Let's leave it at that.
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I ban Hertz from my challenge... He is a really big cheater...

He is a kid, not a challenger...
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I've just read this thread... and even I do not think that it is important, I have to say that I am not Hertz's uncle, we are not related in any way. I have give him some hints, NOT solutions, and teach him something about RSA. There is not a collaboration between me and Hertz, just compare my progress and his progress, it should be obvious.

I hope that from this thread all "young" (read inexperienced) players will learn to ask for hints in the forums. Asking for hints using the PM should be done ONLY if one have done a really important part of a challenge and posting the progress in forums may spoil the challenge.
Anyway, I have to say that I have challenges made in proportion of over 70% and did not ask for hints, and most probably I will never ask.
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Personally I only ever ask for a hint in a PM if I have posted a request to the forum and someone has said it is fine to PM them with what I have so far.

At least that way it is kept transparent.
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