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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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ST is up! New address:
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Finally ;-) But WTF: Error: C++ challenges are down.? Sad
Last edited by martek - Mar 03, 2015 - 10:21:49
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Read the home page..

Security Traps is back!

I have to patch sandbox for C++ Traps,
so they will be up max in few days.
Other challenges should work correctly.

Let me know about any bugs Smile
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Oh, OK. I haven't seen that. Sorry ;)
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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New sandbox for C++ challenges is ready Smile
Feel free to have fun!
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I cannot reach ST for last couple of days. Is it down temporarily or what?
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Hi guys! Is registration warm-up level4 broken or I do it wrong?
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It still works. Smile
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Quote from cyberguru
May 16, 2016 - 11:44:04

Hi guys! Is registration warm-up level4 broken or I do it wrong?

what response do you get? if it is "cheater", then you're doing it wrong.
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The site seems to have an expired certificate.
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