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Hmm, does not look good...

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Thanks for alerting us.

I deleted the harmful links.

Currently i have no idea how to sanitize submitted links properly.
Maybe we should add some <noscript> tags for links section ?

@mals: Thanks for finding a real security problem Smile
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Links should be validated by admins first.
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I agree with theAnswer.
What's to stop people from adding tons of ad-links?
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The amount of links you can add depends on your totalscore.

how about this snippet to prevent xss in links ?
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
$url = str_replace("http://", "", $url);
if (strpos($url, "://") !== false) {
   return htmlDisplayError("only valid links please.");

My guess is that this would only make it slightly harder to exploit.
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stop trying to be funny.
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There are tons of solutions on the net, but this one looks short and good enough:
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Maybe checkout the W3C specification for URL. I bet u'll find a regex for it.
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I think regex is not a good way, because nothing ensures that a valid url doesnt contain an evil payload. This statement is only theoretical, but true.

Lessons learned: preventing xss is a hard nut...
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