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Unable to login to the ssh server  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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Unable to login to the ssh server
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Does the challenge begin even before the first login? I cant login with the password I created using that form.
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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I assume it cannot handle your username Sad
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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users in linux can be any utf-8 string so why this???
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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Is warchall box down ?


EDIT: ty dloser Smile
Last edited by codenameblitz - Dec 05, 2014 - 17:33:10
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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It's up now, but it seems like it was indeed down:
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
dloser@warchall ~ $ uptime
 17:29:22 up 32 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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sry to hijack this thread, however I'm not able to login with my set password too. Tried severel ones, however none of them did work. Could it be that the username has to be longer than three chars?
I'm grateful for any help!

Kind regards, ysf Smile
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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Cron was not working, so new accounts didn't get created. Should work now.
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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2021, same problem... can't connect via ssh, it doesnt recognize my password. Any ideas, guys?
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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Quote from dloser
Cron was not working, so new accounts didn't get created. Should work now.

Again, cron was to blame.
Changed the cron daemon recently and apparently it hasn't been started Smile
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RE: Unable to login to the ssh server
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Is it possible that Cron is not working again ? I am unable to ssh into the box even after multiple password resets
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