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Why does this site give so few points? I've done 46% and got only 242 points.
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Because there are few challenges there and the scoring doesn't work linear on wechall.
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Hello MrL!
I'm administrator for Reversing.Kr

Thank you for bug report.
This bug was fixed.

Please update again.
Last edited by Gogil - Apr 15, 2013 - 13:27:13
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Oh Sorry..

Still did not fix it.

Please wait...
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Hmm, I don't get it. There are 69 new challenges, but I don't see any on the site. Total number of challs is now 92, but I still have over 42% with 12 solved...
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Actually 23 chall on the site. but displayed 92 chall.
If there are few challenges there, give so few points.
So i am display 4 * the number of chall
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Well, if that's legal under WeChall rules, then I'm fine with that Smile
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I think that It was WeChall system's bug. (give few points)
I had sent an email to the WeChall yesterday. I have not received any response yet.

Have a good Reversing.Kr.
Last edited by Gogil - Apr 16, 2013 - 11:10:47
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> Have a good Reversing.Kr.

Oh I will, just wait till I have some more free time Smile
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RE: Comments on
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I have just read the mail, but i will answer here Smile

It's not a bug, it's just how the exponential scoring works.
Only a few challs means that the big points only come when you have solved a lot %.

Take a look at the ranking page for to get an impression of that.

If the settings applied to seem to harsh we could lower the exponential effect a bit, but i am not sure of the difficulty on the site, and the default settings in use are probably OK.

EDIT: And please use the correct values for challcount. If the scoring curve seems to harsh we can adjust it in wechall settings for a site.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Apr 16, 2013 - 18:37:40
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