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Country ranking

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Country ranking
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I was thinking about a new calculation for country ranking, besides total score, average, and sumtop3.

It is like (totalscore/(country population))*some_constant_so_the_result_will_be_more_than_1

What do you think, does it makes sense?
Giz: is it possible to do that?
Last edited by Z - Nov 28, 2010 - 14:34:44
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RE: Country ranking
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Z, are you trying to normalize scores against the total population of a country?

You'd end up with a per capita hack score, which would interesting so see. I'd vote for it. The only hard part-- tedious, really-- would be tracking down population figures the various countries.

.... um... I stand corrected-- Smile That should be pretty easily parsable.
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RE: Country ranking
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Quote from shadum
Nov 28, 2010 - 16:22:10

Z, are you trying to normalize scores against the total population of a country?

You'd end up with a per capita hack score

Yepp, that's what I've suggested Smile
Thx for the link
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