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The first CTF

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The first CTF
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Our project CodingGeex has now 14 members and some of them attended their first CTF.
Xaav was the main player and he even did his first writeup.

You can read about it here: Writeup Part 1.

To join our telegram group you can use the following link:

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The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: The first CTF
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Here's the video of the first part. It's in French, but I've added EN subtitles

The challenges are still acessible so give it a try!
Last edited by Xaav - Nov 27, 2023 - 16:57:33
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RE: The first CTF
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I've always been wondering how you hack when you think in French. ;)
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RE: The first CTF
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Quote from tehron
Nov 27, 2023 - 18:59:49

I've always been wondering how you hack when you think in French. ;)

When i'm hacking, I think in python Happy
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