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hello there...
its me vijay From India....
there is XSS Flaw in The User's PM Section....
the Section Create folder has this Exploit....
Kindly Check that out...and Fix That...

Best Regards,
I Would Love TO Change The World But They Wont Give Me The Source Code....
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I confirm the XSS. Fun Smile
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Yep, can confirm it too Smile

But i think the bug is not exploitable, or almost impossible to exploit.

First you need a valid csrf token from a PM form, to create folders or see some success/error message.
Second, you can not access document.cookie in javascript for most browsers, as we set the HTTP-Only cookie option.

Will of course patch it when i have more time. (probably not before christmas)

Thanks for report!
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its okay...
i just wanna take ur notice about that....
I Would Love TO Change The World But They Wont Give Me The Source Code....
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