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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!

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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!
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Yeah, finally made my target for this year and got myself in the Wechall top 50 !!

5 minutes to go overhere in the netherlands... Happy Challenging everybody in the next year!!

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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!
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Yay, Happy New Year!

So, BusyR, You are one of the 54 people that are responsible for me beeing on page 2? Happy
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!
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In order to help Gizmore to get back on page 1 I have unlinked myself from 3 sites.
Gizmore, I hope you will be happy for this kind of special new year gift from me Smile
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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!
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lol, very good idea!
Thank you a lot Smile

Now we only must convince 54 more certain people to do the same...

Edit: Actually 4 would be enough for page 1 Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jan 03, 2010 - 18:08:21
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5 minutes to go... happy new year everybody!!
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Quote from Z
In order to help Gizmore to get back on page 1 I have unlinked myself from 3 sites.
Gizmore, I hope you will be happy for this kind of special new year gift from me Smile

Smile Definitly a nice gesture, Z...
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