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my js

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my js
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can this be made smaller?
GeSHi`ed javascript code for js

also try running without the = before the 5.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: my js
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The script is not valid javascript and will throw warnings, because you need to declare your vars with "var" like that:

GeSHi`ed javascript code for askimet
var x = 20;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++;x+=i) x*=2;
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RE: my js
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if by smaller you mean shorter then yes it can..i did the same with 46 chars instead of 52 in yours and with keeping the same logic..
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RE: my js
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I can see how to safe 3 chars {}=
... but 6... nice codegolf..
Here is how to save 3 chars:
GeSHi`ed javascript code for akismet

cripple_ripper: Please pm me your solution Smile

EDIT: I can see 3 instead of 2 chars... but 6... hmm

EDIT2: seeing 5 now? ,i
GeSHi`ed javascript code for akismet

EDIT3: livinskull won the golf against me, because my code above generated wrong output ;)

EDIT4: and noother won!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Apr 23, 2011 - 00:06:25
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RE: my js
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one less:
GeSHi`ed javascript code

EDIT: woah to slow
Last edited by livinskull - Apr 22, 2011 - 23:49:08
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RE: my js
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Apart from the obvious javascript:alert(1337)

GeSHi`ed javascript code

2 less
Last edited by noother - Apr 22, 2011 - 23:53:25
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RE: my js
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First i thought, what a crap post... but now cudos to this funny function....
This number sequence seems unknown to this website:

Edit: And grats to noother for beating the golf to us!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Apr 23, 2011 - 00:17:14
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RE: my js
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Quote from noother
Apr 22, 2011 - 23:52:32

Apart from the obvious javascript:alert(1337)

GeSHi`ed javascript code

2 less

that was my 46-length solution too Smile too bad that i was away to win Drool
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RE: my js
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i thought of the loop a few months ago while bored driving between jobs,
started with 1337 and worked backwards to see what would fit,
you can alter x and start from i=-1 but that doesnt make much of a difference to its length,,, also 'x' will start to go higher the lower 'i' starts from, e.g. i=-8

thank you to everyone giving me fresh ideas, will have another play next week.

but for now i need to get ready for my stag do Smile wish me luck.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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