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Z requested to make challs voteable and sort them into categories.

The voting was initially planed, and i worked on it a bit.
Please report bugs and flaws as you are already doing.

If you have any idea what voting option is missing, just tell
(in early stage its easy to change fields)

currently you may vote challenges on
1) difficulty
2) education
3) fun

Happy Challenging
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Cool Smile
Now thats what I call user-oriented service Smile)))
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I'd say don't make it anonymous Smile. If you want to have correct ratings you should prevent users from entering bullshit information (this happens a lot on tbs). Most people will then rate it properly, even when he's giving a low score.

Of course you can't prevent the real asswipes from scoring improperly ;)

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I made the votings more transparent now.
By clicking the percent bars in the votestats/voting, you get an overview who voted these values.
Also its possible to hover the mouse over challenge table vote icons, and see the votes for the shown user.

I plan to create a challenge, which give you priviledge to use this revealing feature. (if someone has an idea for an info-gathering like chall, let us knowSmile

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Why's the order Difficulty - Education - Fun and in the lower box Difficulty - Funny - Education?
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This is because of the screwed layout feature. Smile
I already noticed that, and will fix immediately.
At least someone noticed.... ;)

Thanks for message
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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