Restrict session to IP 

WeChall 5

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+Ma got fixed

TDHack seems down or broken.
MiBs seems down. seems to be broken on their end (IP check?)

Uploaded some forum attachments + old avatars + site logos.

Please keep reporting anything broken!
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Hello, not sure if this was already reported or not. Found these minor bugs.
But I got wierd behavioral in this case:
1/ go to Ranking page
2/ choose any user - click username - dialog will appear
3/ click to sort e.g. by Score - dialog is closed and I am back in ranking page

Also I tried to change language to English (by default I have wechall in Czech) but when I choose any language, it automatically switch to Czech again.
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Quote from space

This is caused by revision 1270 [] and may will be reverted or fixed. Thank you for reporting!

It has been fixed in revision 1414 [] but it is actually not played in in WeChall.

Another bug: if you quote yourself (within another quote) the post will not be in BBQuotes [quote]

and noparse works only for 1 BBelement
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Last edited by space - Jan 14, 2012 - 16:55:58
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If finally updated to latest WC5 revision. A lot of bugs adressed, a lot left.
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RE: WeChall 5
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just asking..has anybody else problems with staying logged in? i log in without restricting session to ip and my cookie is valid for one year as i can see but when i come back to the site after a day or so (i restart my computer/router in the meantime but the cookie is still there valid for one year, i checked) i have to login the session gets invalidated on the server side..
i remember i had the same problem with WC4 but got fixed out of the blue one day but after the update to WC5 there it is again...i'm not sure what's wrong..
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Quote from criple_ripper
Jan 19, 2012 - 18:04:51

just asking..has anybody else problems with staying logged in?

Yes. I've been meaning to mention this myself. I used to be able to stay logging in for a very, very long time. That is not the case anymore. If I stay away too long-- for example, over night-- I get logged out.
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It was only a config var, GWF_SESS_LIFETIME, which now has been raised again to three days.

Thanks for the report!
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Quote from Gizmore
Jan 20, 2012 - 12:24:03

It was only a config var, GWF_SESS_LIFETIME, which now has been raised again to three days.

Thanks for the report!

so now you will have to login every three days or the 3-days window gets reseted every time you visit the site??

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Should behave like old GWF2, which resets your 3 day timer, iirc ... if it does not work this way, please report Smile
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I did not get logged out overnight. Smile Thanks Smile
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