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WeChall Critical Information Disclosure

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WeChall Critical Information Disclosure
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I am sad to announce i fixed a very bad information disclosure vulnerability on wechall yesterday.

It was possible to enumerate the users emails via the wechall userstats api.

you could simply run to get his email.

This was reported by dloser and got fixed a few minutes after the report.

It is hard to tell if somebody collected all user emails this way.
But there is a way:
I always wanted to make a function in Module_Log to grep the zip logfile bundles.
Maybe someone would like to write code for gwf3 to analyze logzips? (grep them?)
I won´t find time any soon to implement it.
I can provide sample logfiles from my localhost dev machine.

Happy Challenging!

PS: Consider your emails to register here stolen and raped! Sad (j/k)

PPS: Does someone use a unique email here? Do you get any spam?
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Last edited by gizmore - Oct 31, 2013 - 23:01:41
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RE: WeChall Critical Information Disclosure
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So that's the reason why I'm getting a lot more v14gr4 ads these days Sad
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RE: WeChall Critical Information Disclosure
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quangntenemy, If your email you use here is not unique, i doubt this issue is the cause.

It would be great if a user with a unique mail / special wechall mail could report something happened / did probably not happen.

Some people use a different mail for each site they register, like wechall@mycatch.all - It´s a fun trick to see which sites are rooted / owned / evil.
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RE: WeChall Critical Information Disclosure
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I use a mostly unique email address on Wechall (I say "mostly" because I use it on a few of the challenge sites as well), and haven't gotten any spam on that address.

On the other hand I have only been registered here since Aug 2013.
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