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Dear Challengers,

I was a busy bee and implemented a new feature proposed by kwisatz.

The Profile Module got extended to manage "Points Of Interest" created by us.
The intention is to locate challengers in your area more easily; For example one could add a POI for their favorite pub.
Other Points Of Interest could be Linux User Groups or whatever fits the topic.

To reduce the risk of wasted coding time, i also have created a challenge from it.
The interesting challenge is now ready to get solved!

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Hackerspace
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There were some improvements uploaded to the Places Application

[+] Init button press required to launch the app.
[+] Better Privacy documentation
[+] Whitelist configuration now can toggle the "enable whitelist"
[+] Address helper input to jump to locations
[-] ?sensors=false now for google

You can access the "hackerspace" page via Profile or Users pages.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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