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Stop that please!

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Hi community,
now it's enough. Every day I am hearing and get asked about help/solutions etc..
Usually I hate name-calling, but this time it's a bit to much!
Dear Hertz, stop that stupid asking man. Use the forum and not the pm system / msn messenger!
Flaming other people via pm when didnt give out a hint sucks. Now you're there, I'm the first making it public.
I hope to see some other people writing in here, not only in pm or msn ;-)
It's okay when asking for hints, sure. But not in that mass!
You're 15 years old, are you sure that you can solve some very hard programmings/crackits?
Everywhere you were asking and asking.
Follow the link and see how he's wanting help/the solution to a problem of net-force!
If you'll delete/edit that post, I've made some screenshots.
This is not the only one I found in google. Some people show me screenshots / logfiles of your msn/pm questions.
I know that UnTaran is your uncle, you told me. But please don't pull him in your point of view, UnTaran is a very good player I know some years.
So you don't need to reply on this thread, but pls stop that shit, and get some skill!
and stop that lame scriptkiddy language in the pm system
you are a fucking gay and those who gave you life are idiots

you piece of ****

Just my 2 cents!
Last edited by Jinx - Jul 19, 2009 - 19:03:51
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+1 for Jinx, too many begging for hints is not OK. I ask for hints sometimes, and I believe it's OK, but solving most of the challs via hints/solutions is not.
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Right.As Z does, I never ask more than 50 or 100 hints a day Happy
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Quote from CommComm

I never ask more than 50 or 100 hints a day

Don't you mean you never get asked more than 50 or 100 hints a day? Smile
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Well you know how many times you ask me hints, it's less than 50 a day (just 40, I think) XDDD
Last edited by CommComm - Jul 19, 2009 - 19:34:30
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I insulted you as a reply of what you said.Why don't you post the full PM i've sent you?Let me show my point of view:
Here is what he said,then i turned back his opinions.I use to insult only when i'm insulted.
"Every day I am hearing and get asked about help/solutions etc.." How do you dare to lie like that?I haven't talked to you since a month or so and the only time when i asked you for help was in the day you told me you are Cyber so i asked you to give a starting point for your Crypto from Mibs and you said "OH,WHAT DO I GET IN EXCHANGE?".
"But please don't pull him in your point of view ( UnTaran ) "
I have not mentioned you anything about him so don't try to stick other persons on this altercation and you shouldn't afford to write his name on your posts.
I never said i did not asked for solution.I did several times but should i be shamed?It's something logical,i'm young,i have a lot to learn and my opinion is that i d better learn from someone who passed that level instead of searching 5 hours on google and getting to the same result.There are thousands of challenges,no one is able to pass them all.And yes i do ask for hints and maybe is a bad think that at 15 years i do that ..yea yea but not as bad as what you do dude. At 30+ years you cheat like a 5 years boy on monopoly.Let's say you can expect a 15 years boy to cheat..maybe he is fool but one who can be his father ?Proofs ?

Coincidence a ? xDD

And the same story on infomirmo until 20% or so,admins could confirm with logs ;).
Ah and about what you did yesterday with theblacksheep.
"i took some challenges with me in holidays, some easy crackits, and then i was solving the logics in tbs idiot. posted them, and alternative marked them as solved. i dont care when he's accepting them within 1 minute Drool"
Strange,suddenly 40 levels passed.
Can you believe what you said?you are registered on tbs since 2005 and you haven't passed easy crackmes on other holidays in 2005,2006,2007... .You waited to pass easy crackits on 2009 summer.And yea,logics also.And strange,i still wait since months ago to have some logic levels validated and you get them in seconds.Cool.
And yea i attacked you yesterday cuz it does not seem right to me to struggle to pass levels and others do 100 in 10 minutes ;)

Do i need to say anything else?
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Well done Hertz, you pwnd me!
Where do I know that UnTaran is your uncle? I developed this answer, right? Correct Hertz!
I solved 27 challenges in tbs btw. not 50 or 100!
solving crackits 3-15 doesnt take much time man. I'm registered there a very long time, also correct.
But I deleted my account once and started again. From 2005 up to January 2009 I was playing WorldOfWarcraft, so no wonder that I didnt solve many challenges.
The Logics I solved before some hours, the admin accepted within 2 minutes, so is it my problem? LOL
I could solve many of them again, cuz I have a lot of notes for tbs Drool But I'm too lazy solving them again.

I never asked you for a hint, you started asking to trade hints/solution in msn boy.

At 30+ years you cheat like a 5 years boy on monopoly

Me (30+) and you (5 years) were playing monopoly and I was cheating there? You must be 1337 in that game being a looser xD the board is only +- 40-50cm's it's impossible to cheat. This only works when you are sleeping.

that i d better learn from someone who passed that level instead of searching 5 hours on google and getting to the same result

xDDDDDD Maybe I should do that as well, I don't have much time .. being already 30+ and maybe I'll die in a few years cuz of the alcohol or cigarettes Sad

Last edited by Jinx - Jul 19, 2009 - 20:07:10
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Well. I dont know Hertz and he never asked me for any help. But I just had a look to rstcenter mentionned by Jinx. At random, I look at Hertz is asking for a sudoku... which is in fact a rankk chall ( How can you learn that way ? This is only ti get the solution and climb up the stairs of ranking. That's enough for me to know what to think.
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Finally someone who thinks like me -.-
The fact that some 15 year old just COULD NOT solve all those challenges should speak for itself.
I talked with some siteadmins bout him over and over again, but no, "its just interesting how he could do his way straight up in the ranking, even if he's begging hints/solutions"

So, to say
Quote from Z
+1 for Jinx, too many begging for hints is not OK. I ask for hints sometimes, and I believe it's OK, but solving most of the challs via hints/solutions is not.

+1 for Z && Jinx

PS: I was contacted, too... also think I was one of the first, but that doesn't matter..
Last edited by livinskull - Jul 19, 2009 - 19:57:14
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btw. it's not only me complaining.
rhican did the start in xDD

Well done rhican Smile
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