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CommComm , it was posted after i solved it.
Jinx,ok ...

Anyway,for me this discussion is over.
Thank you for the entertaining .
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Quote from Hertz
CommComm , it was posted after i solved it.


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Quote from Jinx

btw. it's not only me complaining.
rhican did the start in xDD

Well done rhican Smile

Haha i never asked him for something and never told him to fuck himself so silence.
lininskull,what a pleasure.Remember our discussion?I haven't even managed to say hello and you told mib i asked solutions.And i haven't asked you not even a hint.loosa'.

"its just interesting how he could do his way straight up in the ranking, even if he's begging hints/solutions"
I outsmart you .!

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Hertz: you don't have to reply, PM me, or answer in any form. I just want to ask you to think over my last sentence:

Get a real life!
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I re-registered purely to post here.

I am an admin at and also have received many complaints about Hertz from some of our users.

I spoke to Hertz about this before and since speaking to him the complaints have lessened (but not stopped).

Glad someone is finally speaking out about people like this.


Edit - Hertz I noticed you just PM'd me. I deleted it without reading it. If you want to say something to me, do it here.
Last edited by sabretooth - Jul 19, 2009 - 22:57:57
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Lol,i could say many things in my defense since i am the only one who really knows what is the truth and i don't give a damn on other opinions but it would be pointless. If you consider i'm a cheater,keep considering,it is not a problem at all.While i'm reliefed inside knowing what/when/how i did and i know i didn't made any major mistake,everything else is unimportant.There were talks about many uber great challengers(matrixman for example) that they have exchanged solutions and at the end it remained like that.I know several players that really cheat and i do not start spreading with posts here and there about that.It is not my job.
And btw , as a idea : not the one who asks is stupid but the one who gives.
Anyway,considering i'm the biggest cheater from challenges world,let's say i've cheated with not 10 20 levels , but 100 200 .If you count the number of levels i passed, bigger than 1000 , you can take a conclusion. I hope you got my point and we can end it peaceful here.
And a last think,if you think i'm a cheater,test me.I'm ready to pass any challenge/s under live surveillance to prove what it is true.
At the end all this talk was about me asking for HINTS,no one came with some proof that i am asking for solutions.Did it worth?
Edit:Anyway,this discussion made me realize that from now on i should only play by myself,without asking even for hints,help or team working.I wonder if all of us would have did that,how the ranking was looking now,isn't it like that Jinx?
Have a good night,Hertz.
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So you now dropped from wechall rank 8 to rank 74.

Is the fact that you unlinked most of the sites a sign of guilt?
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Not at all,focus,i'll just take a little break.
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In Jinx's defence...
Most of you should know that I don't really play on challenge sites anymore. But I do check TBS about two or three times a day. It just so happened that Jinx posted his solutions just before one of the times I checked TBS, so I checked them and marked them as solved. Hertz, if you're implying any form of collusion or malpractice, I assure you that it did not happen.

Having said that, I'd like to make a comment on this issue. But before that, let's bring age out of the picture since it's my belief that it's irrelevant. The whole point about solving these challenges is so that you may learn on the way. The community allows you to share knowledge / comments after you're done solving; and it also allows you to work together on some, should all parties agree to it. Of course, you're allowed to ask for hints as well. However, you should not go overboard with it. Most of the challenges on most of the sites are structured in such a way that they are solvable. The first step is usually obvious with some analysis / lateral thinking, then the rest can be achieved with skills and knowledge. I believe that if you construct your requests for hints politely with evidence to show that you've made some effort at least, in attempting to solve the challenge, you won't be flamed this much.

Of course, asking for solutions isn't ideal. For all we know, you may or may not have done it. You know what you've done best, so... As long as you're able to answer to yourself and your conscience, then I won't say any more.
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I believe in fair play.

Quote from Hertz
that i d better learn from someone who passed that level instead of searching 5 hours on google and getting to the same result

Really. If I was thinking the same way I would already have recovered my 18,5k points or have even more (since I didn't read anything about crypto/stegano yet; the challenges solved are based on logic, not on knowledge).

Normally you should look for hints only if the challenge is unclear or you have looked around but still have no idea where to start.
Checking/asking for hints just because you don't want to look around is not tolerable. If you think you are wasting these 5 hours, you shouldn't even attempt that challenge. (I do that with most source reverse-engineering (e.g. JS) challenges now, because once I manage to solve it, I don't get a feeling "hey, I've did it!", but I get a feeling "I always knew I could do that and now I wasted XX minutes/hours for this sh1t. BAH!".

It's simple: even if you don't ask for hints, but you just check the topic, the solving process becomes way easier (or even instant) unless the hints are indirect enough. That's why mose people feel that extensive hint harvesting equals cheating. You don't benefit much from it, but you get an inflated ranking.
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