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WeChall 5
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My hoster shut the old server down.

In a rush i rented a new server and installed wechall 5.

Many stuff is broken.

EMails are down.
So, register won't work.

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: WeChall 5
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welcome back!
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Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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Happy new server! Happy
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RE: WeChall 5
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Here are some problems i've spotted (or made aware of otherwise).

Missing files/directories:
logos of newest sites (fixed)
/img/captcha.php (replaced by /Captcha, I guess)
/ (fixed)
/db_img (fixed)
/votes (fixed)
/applet/JPK_406.jar (fixed)
/applet/JDicTac.jar (fixed)
/applet/JCS.jar (fixed)
/applet/ (fixed)
/changes.txt (fixed)

Not working:
account shows 0 solved challs for +Ma's Reversing after updating (available, but sluggish and bad cert)
/tools/Wordpat/ wordlists (File not found: /tpl/module/WeChall/applet/wordlists)
/index.php?mo=WeChall&me=JoinUs&section=wechall_api (fixed)
/wechall_license (fixed)
/contact (fixed)
/news (fixed)
/score_graph /usercount_graph /challcount_graph (fixed)
/graph (fixed)
/stats (fixed)
/tools/Wordpat/ (fixed)

Broken challs:
(Comfirmed working: all score 1 challs, Training: Encodings I)
No Escape (fixed)
Training: Warchall - The Beginning (fixed)
Training: Warchall - 7 Tropical Fruits (fixed)
Crackcha (fixed)
Crackcha highscore table (fixed)
Last edited by dloser - Jan 07, 2012 - 15:06:12
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RE: WeChall 5
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Broken Challs:
MySQL1, MySQL2 (same mysql error as above); reinstall/creating DB+USER will fix it
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Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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RE: WeChall 5
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if you really need Captcha ATM you can use to generate a new one!
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Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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RE: WeChall 5
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Auto update doesn't work as doesn't exist ...
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RE: WeChall 5
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also i think the update in some sites doesn't work..+Ma is definately one of those that my scores appears
to be 0% after updating..possible others TDHack,SPOJ.
also some sites logos are broken in the account section.
finally when updating thebackupbox GWF_HTTP tries to connect to a hex string that is unreachable,
and all sites update gives Unknown Class: WCSite_SO and an error response from
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To add to the comments about scoring and updating, my scores here ( seem to be correct, more or less. I think a few recent updates for Brainquest and Cstutoring were lost, but seem to have straightened out with a manual update. However, when I look at my account here ( I've solved "-1" challenges on most sites. Smile
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User API not working:

Quote from Unknown
Fatal error: Call to undefined method GWF_User::getCountry() in /home/wechall/www/wc5/core/module/WeChall/method/API_User.php on line 48

Warning: fopen(/home/wechall/www/wc5/www/protected/logs/20120102_critical.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/wechall/www/wc5/core/inc/util/GWF_Log.php on line 155
Can not open logfile /home/wechall/www/wc5/www/protected/logs/20120102_critical.txt
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